Meade - LX50

Below are all the different types of Meade. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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1 INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7 LX50 Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope 8 LX50 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope 10 LX50 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope Meade Instruments Corporation WARNINGS Never use the Meade ETX Series Astro Telescope to look at the Sun Looking at or near the Sun will cause instant and irreversible damage to your eye Eye damage is often painless so there is no warning to the observer that damage has occurred until it is too late Do not point the telescope or its viewfinder at or near the Sun Do not look through the telescope or its viewfinder as it is moving Children should always have adult supervision while observing Fig 1 The Meade 8 LX50 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope Captions for Fig 1 Contents 1 Declina ...
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1 INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7 LX50 Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope 8 LX50 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope 10 LX50 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope Meade Instruments Corporation WARNINGS Never use the Meade ETX Series Astro Telescope to look at the Sun Looking at or near the Sun will cause instant and irreversible damage to your eye Eye damage is often painless so there is no warning to the observer that damage has occurred until it is too late Do not point the telescope or its viewfinder at or near the Sun Do not look through the telescope or its viewfinder as it is moving Children should always have adult supervision while observing Fig 1 The Meade 8 LX50 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope Captions for Fig 1 Contents 1 Declina ...