Below are all the different types of JVC. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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XM PX55BU XM PX55SL XM PX55RD Difference in design depends on the coior seiection This unit has been manufactured with great precision Applying a strong shock to the unit or dropping it may cause a failure For example if you sit down with the unit into a back pocket of your trousers it may exert the pressure upon the unit and may cause a failure CAUTION THiS PRODUCT UTiLiZES A LASER USE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECiFiED HEREiN MAY RESULT iN HAZARDOUS RADiATiON EXPOSURE DO NOT OPEN COVERS AND DO NOT REPAiR YOURSELF REFER SERViCiNG TO QUALIFiED PERSONNEL WARNING TO REDUCE THE RiSK OF FiRE OR ELECTRiC SHOCK DO NOT EXPOSE THiS APPLiANCE TO RAiN OR MOiSTURE 1 CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT 2 ...