CFM - TEK315H-H4

Below are all the different types of CFM. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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CFM CONTINENTAL FAN PLENUM FRN5 better AIRFLOW by DESIGN I TEK PLENUM a PLUG FRNS Modular construction compact design OEM custom configurations available Horizontal and vertical applications Quiet highly efficient performance Backward curved airfoil BCA wheel Non overloading power characteristics Injection molded GRP polyamide TEK wheel TEFC industrial duty motors Custom Fan Solutions TEK PLENUM FRN5 STANDARD FEATURES amp BENEFITS High efficiency backward curved airfoil wheel Injection molded GRP polyamide TEK wheel TEFC industrial duty motors Supply and return air applications PERFORMANCE 300 MOO 600 800 1000 2000 3000 MOOO 5000 RIRFLOUU CFM M ...