DeLonghi - MG7307CM

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ELECTRIC OIL FILLED RADIATORS IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS LOS RADIADORES ELECTRICOS DE ACEITE INSTRUCIONESIMPORTANTES REPASE Y GUARDE ESTASINSTRUCCIONES LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE ESTE INSTRUCTS ANTES DEUSARSUAPARATO Model Modelo MG7307CM Register this product on line and receive a free trial issue of Cook s Illustrated Visit www delonghiregistration com Visit www delonghi com for a list of service centers near you Registre este producto en linea y reciba un ejemplar gratis de Cook s Illustrated Visite www delonghiregistration com Visite www delonghi com para ver la lista de centros de servicios cercanos a usted ELECTRIC CHARACTERISTICS CARACTERISTICAS ELECTRICAS 120 V 60 Hz 1 500 W El IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS When us ...