Sunbeam - KE7110
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Belle Aqua 1 litre stainless steel kettle Instruction Booklet KE7110 Please read these instructions carefully and retain for future reference Contents Sunbeam s Safety Precautions 1 Features of your Sunbeam Belle Aqua Kettle 2 Using your Sunbeam Belle Aqua Kettle 4 Sunbeam s 3 Way Safety System 5 Care and Cleaning of your Sunbeam 6 Belle Aqua Kettle Important instructions retain for future use ooCaLxiaJ ft jSU Assurez vous que es precautions ci dessus relatives a la securite sont bien comprises Versichern Sie sich dass die obenstehenden SicherheitsmaBnahmen verstanden werden BepaicovsTe na gt q oi napanavio npotpuXa eiq aacpaAsiaq yivovrai Kaxavor Tsq Pastikan bahwa tindakan tindakan keselamatan seperti di atas dime ...