IBM - R50series

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ThinkPad R50 Series Serviee and Troubleshooting Guide ThinkPad R50 Series Serviee and Troubleshooting Guide Note Before using this information and the product it supports be sure to read the general information under Appendix A Important safety instructions on page 43 Appendix B Wireless related information on page 51 Appendix C Warranty information on page 55 and Appendix D Notices on page 77 Fia va anotpoyETE toxov Kivdovo i EKTpoit ti to oxav EyKaGiordTE pETaKivEiTE fj avotyETE xa KaXoppaxa xoo Ttpoiovxoi fj x ov rpo lt japxt p vo v oocKEotov lt ji v6 exe koi anooov6EEX xa Kai radia pE xov KaxaiLl tiFo xpoTto To Ka gt d dio pEdpaxO npewEi va aovSEExai oe otooxd yEicopEvt npt a Mpv acpfjvEXE xi p ...