Hoshizaki - DCM-751BWH-OS

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w mi Hoshizaki America In Cubelet Icemaker Dispenser A Superior Degree of Reliability Models DCM 751 BAH DCM 751BAH OS DCM 751BWH DCM 751BWH OS PARTS LIST Number 71321 Issued 7 18 201 I Revised 3 5 2015 CONTENTS Auxiliary Codes 3 Note About Ordering Parts 3 A Ice Dispenser Assembly 4 B Refrigeration Circuit 7 DCM 751 BAH OS 7 DCM 751 BWH OS 9 C Ice Making Unit 11 D Water Circuit 13 E Control Box Assembly 15 F Shutter Assembly 17 G Dispensing amp Agitating Gear Motor Assemblies 20 H Bin Assembly 22 J Accessories amp Labels 24 2 Auxiliary Codes DCM 751BAH DCM 751BAH OS DCM 751BWH DCM 751BWH OS A 0 March 2011 B 0 January 2012 C 0 January ...