FujiFilm - DP121

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DIGITAL VIDEOCASSETTE FUJIFILM I amp I Imaging amp Intormation DP121 L DPIQQ1I DP121 25Mbps video recording rate DP1001 Bwcpmfzm 1 OOMbps video recording rate 64 32 L DP121 mcPRO nUlFlLM lt FUJiFlU HV CPflO ATOMM II ultra thin metal coating technology the key to compact size and high image quality Introducing a complete line of DP Series products for conventional and digital HDTV broadcast use DVCPRO is a high efficiency digital component data compression recording system that uses a tape only 6 35mm wide making DVCPRO videocassettes the most compact broadcast use videocassettes in the world For its DP Series videocassettes Fujifilm achieved the conflicting goals of super ...