Cuisinart - SG2-DRT-3X

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MOTOROLA STARLINE intelligence everywhere SG2 DRT 3X Installation Sheet 494828 001 This Installation Sheet describes the procedure for installing the SG2 DRT 3X in the SG2440 or SG2000 node The Motorola Digital Return Transmitter SG2 DRT 3X converts three independent 5 to 42 MHz analog RF return path signals into one digital optical signal within the SG2000 and SG2440 nodes This digital optical signal with 10 bit resolution and 3 1 Gbps rate is suitable for optical transmission to the GX2 DRR 3X Digital Return Receiver DRR where the original analog return path signals are recreated The transmitter is factory configured with either a dense wave division multiplexing DWDM laser on the International Telecommunications Union ITU grid or a coarse wave div ...
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MOTOROLA STARLINE intelligence everywhere SG2 DRT 3X Installation Sheet 494828 001 This Installation Sheet describes the procedure for installing the SG2 DRT 3X in the SG2440 or SG2000 node The Motorola Digital Return Transmitter SG2 DRT 3X converts three independent 5 to 42 MHz analog RF return path signals into one digital optical signal within the SG2000 and SG2440 nodes This digital optical signal with 10 bit resolution and 3 1 Gbps rate is suitable for optical transmission to the GX2 DRR 3X Digital Return Receiver DRR where the original analog return path signals are recreated The transmitter is factory configured with either a dense wave division multiplexing DWDM laser on the International Telecommunications Union ITU grid or a coarse wave div ...