Furuno - LP-1000
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No OM E4316 OE OWHER S MANUAL LORAN C PLOTTER MODEL LP 1000 M Photo No ii A D FURUNO ELECTRIC CO LTD NISHINOMIYA JAPAN 8807100KS 8807 tuyu NMItD M UMI I FURUNO ELECTRIC CO LTD YOUR LOCAL At NT DeALER No 9 52 ASHHARA CHO NISHtNOMlYA CITY JAPAN TELEPHONE 0796 65 2111 CABCE FURUNO NISHINOMIYA TELEX 5644 325 326 FURUNO J TELEFAX 0798 65 4200 G I G I WAHNING AGAINST HIGH TENSION The operation of this equipment involvos the use of high voltage which endangers human life Although the design of the equipment has been made iti due oonsidorution ot rneaaures to insure tlie operator s sat ety adequaie precdution must tae exercised when reaching inside the equipment for the purpose of maintenance atid s ...Click here to download the manual
No OM E4316 OE OWHER S MANUAL LORAN C PLOTTER MODEL LP 1000 M Photo No ii A D FURUNO ELECTRIC CO LTD NISHINOMIYA JAPAN 8807100KS 8807 tuyu NMItD M UMI I FURUNO ELECTRIC CO LTD YOUR LOCAL At NT DeALER No 9 52 ASHHARA CHO NISHtNOMlYA CITY JAPAN TELEPHONE 0796 65 2111 CABCE FURUNO NISHINOMIYA TELEX 5644 325 326 FURUNO J TELEFAX 0798 65 4200 G I G I WAHNING AGAINST HIGH TENSION The operation of this equipment involvos the use of high voltage which endangers human life Although the design of the equipment has been made iti due oonsidorution ot rneaaures to insure tlie operator s sat ety adequaie precdution must tae exercised when reaching inside the equipment for the purpose of maintenance atid s ...