Kenwood - CP-M993
Below are all the different types of Kenwood. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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SPECTRUM 1020 KENWOOD spectrum 1020 system connections Order of rack mounting SPECTRUM 1020 Audio rack SRC 773 SPECTRUM 1020 Turntable AV surround amplifier To i n sure th e opti mu m pe rform ance f ro m you r new KENWOOD components please follow these simple instructions 1 Place the amplifiers on top of the other components This will provide adequate ventilation and it will anchor the rest of the components 2 The tuner should be the next components in the stack followed by the cassette deck 3 When the turntable KD 491FC or KD 291RC is used together with the AV surround am plifier SS 592 the power cord of the turnta ble should be connected to a wall AC outlet For the antenna connection to the tuner refer to the instructi ...