InFocus - SP-CWRS232
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LP225 RS 232 Command Values Communication Configuration To control one of the above noted projectors from an RS 232 control system connect the serial cable or a null modem cable and the InFocus RS 232 Adapter SP CWRS232 and set the control system serial port settings to match the following communication configuration RS 232 Port Settings Setting Vaiue Bits per second 19 200 Data bits 8 Parity None Stop bits 1 Flow control None Emulation VT100 RS 232 Connection for LP225 The RS 232 serlal connection for these projectors Is located on the PC side of the CableWIzard 11 connection hub Use the serial cable IFS part 210 0107 xx to connect the CableWIzard II to the serial port of the computer source Note CabieWizard p n SP CW3 doe ...