Cateye - CC-RD400DW
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CATEYE STRADA DOUBLE WIRELESS CYCLOCOMPUTER CC RD400DW ENG w U S Pat Nos 5236759 6957926 Pat Design Pat Pending r C Copyright 2008 CATEYE Co Ltd IZ gt l lt BI rai_ CCRD4DW 081030 1066600620 2 A WARNING CAUTION Do not concentrate on the computer while riding Ride safely Install the magnet sensor and bracket securely Check these periodically If a child swallows a battery consult a doctor immediately Do not leave the computer in direct sunlight for a long period of time Do not disassemble the computer Do not drop the computer to avoid malfunction or damage When using the computer installed on the bracket change the MODE by pressing on the three dots below the screen Pressing hard on other areas can result ...Click here to download the manual
CATEYE STRADA DOUBLE WIRELESS CYCLOCOMPUTER CC RD400DW ENG w U S Pat Nos 5236759 6957926 Pat Design Pat Pending r C Copyright 2008 CATEYE Co Ltd IZ gt l lt BI rai_ CCRD4DW 081030 1066600620 2 A WARNING CAUTION Do not concentrate on the computer while riding Ride safely Install the magnet sensor and bracket securely Check these periodically If a child swallows a battery consult a doctor immediately Do not leave the computer in direct sunlight for a long period of time Do not disassemble the computer Do not drop the computer to avoid malfunction or damage When using the computer installed on the bracket change the MODE by pressing on the three dots below the screen Pressing hard on other areas can result ...