Philips - US2-MANT110
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Philips TV antenna U H F VH F FM H DTV Indoor US2 MANTI 10 IpHIl r 5 Receive analog and digital signals Allows you to use the dipoles in its base or fit them to your TV Receives broadcasts from channels 2 through 69 Attaches directly to TV to provide a brighter clearer picture Includes antenna mount base and 300 75 ohm transformer Improve your picture quality Dual purpose design 36 dipoles PHILIPS sense and simplicity US2 MANTI 10 TV antenna UHF VHF FM HDTV Indoor Specifications Packaging dimensions Packaging dimensions W x H x D 7 1 x 13 7x3 inch Nett weight 6755 I lb Gross weight 80899 lb Tare weight 13348 lb Outer Carton Outer carton L x W x H 14 7 x 7 4 x 7 3 inch ...