Yamaha - EN55103-2

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YAMAHA YGDAI cards for digital mixing consoles DIGITAL CASCADE KIT CD8 CS KIT DIGITAL I O CARD adat CD8 AT DIGITAL I O CARD YAMAHA CD8 Y DIGITAL I O CARD AES EBU CD8 AE CD8 AE S DIGITAL I O CARD TDIF 1 CD8 TDII AD DA CARD CD8 AD AD CARD CD8 AD S n pi hank you for J_L purchasing an I O card for a Yamaha digital mixing console Refer to the owner s manual of the console for installation The connecting screws are also used to connect the ground Tighten them securely CD8 CS KIT This is a digital cascade card ous vous remer cions d avoir acquis une carte I O entrees sorties pour console de mixage numerique Yamaha Voyez le manuel de la console pour savoir comment installer la carte Comme les vis ...