Korg - EM-1

Below are all the different types of Korg. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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EM 1 Owner s Manual To ensure long trouble free operation please read this manual carefully Precautions Location Using the unit in the following locations can result in a malfunction In direct sunlight Locations of exfreme femperafure or humidify Excessively dusfy or dirfy locafions Locafions where excessive vibrafion exisfs Power supply lt 5 Please conned fhe designafed AC adapfor fo an AC ouflef of fhe correcf volfage Do nof connecf if fo an AC ouflef of volfage ofher fhan fhaf for which your unif is inf ended Interference with other electrical devices This producf confains a microcompufer Radios and felevisions placed nearby may cause recepfion inferference Operafe fhis unif af a suifable disfance from ...
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EM 1 Owner s Manual To ensure long trouble free operation please read this manual carefully Precautions Location Using the unit in the following locations can result in a malfunction In direct sunlight Locations of exfreme femperafure or humidify Excessively dusfy or dirfy locafions Locafions where excessive vibrafion exisfs Power supply lt 5 Please conned fhe designafed AC adapfor fo an AC ouflef of fhe correcf volfage Do nof connecf if fo an AC ouflef of volfage ofher fhan fhaf for which your unif is inf ended Interference with other electrical devices This producf confains a microcompufer Radios and felevisions placed nearby may cause recepfion inferference Operafe fhis unif af a suifable disfance from ...
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EM 1 Owner s Manual To ensure long trouble free operation please read this manual carefully Precautions Location Using the unit in the following locations can result in a malfunction In direct sunlight Locations of exfreme femperafure or humidify Excessively dusfy or dirfy locafions Locafions where excessive vibrafion exisfs Power supply lt 5 Please conned fhe designafed AC adapfor fo an AC ouflef of fhe correcf volfage Do nof connecf if fo an AC ouflef of volfage ofher fhan fhaf for which your unif is inf ended Interference with other electrical devices This producf confains a microcompufer Radios and felevisions placed nearby may cause recepfion inferference Operafe fhis unif af a suifable disfance from ...