JVC - GZ-MC200
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JVC The Perfect Experience every occasion every time G Z M C 2 0 0 G Z M C 1 0 0 DIGITAL MEDIA CAMERAS Whenever you need and wherever you are you re always ready to capture that moving experience or shining moment Everio from J VC lets you shoot DVD quality MPEG 2 movies and UXGA size J PEG pictures giving you life size quality in a pocket size camera Everio It s all you need to record your world and share it with the world For every occasion every time Everio every occasion Everio CUBE STYLE GZ MC200 Solid impact Quality intensive The Everio for everyone who wants a pro feel and nothing but the very best Comes with 4GB Microdrive DIGITAL MEDIA CAMERA Everio VERTICAL STYLE GZ MC1 00 DIG ...