Fairchild - NC7SB3257
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FAIRCHILD SEMI CONDUCTOR TM January 2000 Revised April 2002 NC7SB3257 TinyLogic UHS 2 1 Multiplexer Demultiplexer Bus Switch General Description The NC7SB3257 is a high performance 2 1 NMOS pass gate multiplexer demultiplexer from Fairchild s Ultra High Speed Series of TnyLogic The device is fabricated with advanced sub micron CMOS technology to achieve high speed enable and disable times and low On Resistance The device is specified to operate over the 4 0 to 5 SV V c operating range The control input tolerates voltages up to 5 5V Independent of the V c operating range Features Space saving SC70 6 lead surface mount package Ultra small MicroPak leadless package Typical 312 switch resistance 5 0V Vcc Minimal propagat ...