JBL - SB210

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UBL PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION GUIDE Subwoofer Satellite Systems Using Control SB 210 amp SB 2 Subwoofers iwm p Control 25AV 8 ohm setting Control 25AV 8 ohm setting MTC 210 SAT Crossover Input Module System 5 in Stereo Mode Shown Using subwoofers and satellite loudspeakers with a engineered passive crossover built into the subwoofer can be a very effective way of achieving high fidelity sound economically for applications requiring greater bandwidth than is typically possible from full range speakers alone When applied properly small subwoofer satellite systems often referred to as sub sat systems can provide high fidelity sound for a wide variety of applications such as restaurants retail stores hotels music cafes ...
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UBL PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION GUIDE Subwoofer Satellite Systems Using Control SB 210 amp SB 2 Subwoofers iwm p Control 25AV 8 ohm setting Control 25AV 8 ohm setting MTC 210 SAT Crossover Input Module System 5 in Stereo Mode Shown Using subwoofers and satellite loudspeakers with a engineered passive crossover built into the subwoofer can be a very effective way of achieving high fidelity sound economically for applications requiring greater bandwidth than is typically possible from full range speakers alone When applied properly small subwoofer satellite systems often referred to as sub sat systems can provide high fidelity sound for a wide variety of applications such as restaurants retail stores hotels music cafes ...