DeLonghi - D28313
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De Longhi America Inc 250 Pehle Avenue Suite 405 Saddle Brook NJ 07663 1 800 322 3848 Fiducia Italiana S A de C V Erasmo Castellanos Quinto calle B manzana II 29 Col Educacion C P 04400 Deleg Coyoacan Mexico D F Lada sin costo 1800 711 8805 www delonghi com 5712510221 06 10 DEEP FRYER FREIDORA D28313 Register this product on line and receive a free trial issue of Cook s Illu strated Visit http www delonghiregistration com select html Visit www delonghi com for a list of service centers near you U S and Canada Only Registre este producto en linea y reciba un ejemplar gratis de Cook s Illu strated Visite http www delonghiregistration com select html Visite www delonghi com para ver la lista de centres de servicios cerca n ...