Energizer - LODLC4BY

Below are all the different types of Energizer. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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PRODUCT DATASHEET EVERYDAY Detachable area light and a combination flashlight and area light Use in place or undock and use anywhere EMERGENCY USE Use included battery pack or 3 AAA batteries One light stick turns on when power goes out CONVENI ENT Free standing or mount to wall or under cabinets No wiring or electrician needed ENERGY EFFICI ENT More than 5X the energy efficiency of an incandescent bulb External power supply is Energy Star approved Energizer Light on Demand All in One Light Center TM LODLC4BY The LODLC4BY is a versatile home lighting center that includes 3 detachable area lights a combination area light and flashlight and a nightlight emergency light On Low 7 it is a soft nightlight On ...