Edirol - R-44
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PR om QJDETDTl E EDRCLR 44 Amazing 24 bit 192 kHz ultra high sound quality Easy to transport Lightweight 4 channel recorder 4 channel simultaneous recording techniques are thoroughly explained R 44 Features Compact 4 channel Recorder Obsession with Quality The functions needed for 4 channel recording have been condensed into a unit the size of a palm With just one R 44 you can perform complete 4 channel recording It weighs a mere 1 3 kg even with four AA batteries and an SD card You can record at 24 bit 192 kHz far better than the 16 bit 44 1 kHz for CDs Sampling frequency more than 4x higher than a CD SD Card for Longer Recording Times The R 44 uses a SD card also supports SDHC cards for its recording media Over ...Click here to download the manual
PR om QJDETDTl E EDRCLR 44 Amazing 24 bit 192 kHz ultra high sound quality Easy to transport Lightweight 4 channel recorder 4 channel simultaneous recording techniques are thoroughly explained R 44 Features Compact 4 channel Recorder Obsession with Quality The functions needed for 4 channel recording have been condensed into a unit the size of a palm With just one R 44 you can perform complete 4 channel recording It weighs a mere 1 3 kg even with four AA batteries and an SD card You can record at 24 bit 192 kHz far better than the 16 bit 44 1 kHz for CDs Sampling frequency more than 4x higher than a CD SD Card for Longer Recording Times The R 44 uses a SD card also supports SDHC cards for its recording media Over ...Click here to download the manual
PR om QJDETDTl E EDRCLR 44 Amazing 24 bit 192 kHz ultra high sound quality Easy to transport Lightweight 4 channel recorder 4 channel simultaneous recording techniques are thoroughly explained R 44 Features Compact 4 channel Recorder Obsession with Quality The functions needed for 4 channel recording have been condensed into a unit the size of a palm With just one R 44 you can perform complete 4 channel recording It weighs a mere 1 3 kg even with four AA batteries and an SD card You can record at 24 bit 192 kHz far better than the 16 bit 44 1 kHz for CDs Sampling frequency more than 4x higher than a CD SD Card for Longer Recording Times The R 44 uses a SD card also supports SDHC cards for its recording media Over ...