HSM - CMN4000R
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Owner s Operating Manual CMN SERIES CONTINUOUS POWER SYSTEM MODEL COVERED CMN3000R CMN4000R CLARY CORPORATION 150 E Huntington Dr Monrovia Caiifornia 91016 Telephone 626 359 4486 S 800 44 CLARY Fax s 626 305 0254 World Wide Web B http WWW CLARY COM E Mall H SALES CLARY COM Information contained herein is the property of Ciary Corporation is proprietary confidentiai and not to be disciosed disseminated or used except for the purpose provided by CLARY CORPORATION P N 510 14040 REV NR 11 15 04 CLARY CORPORATIOIM THE CONTINUOUS POWER COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE_PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION 3 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 4 PACKAGING 6 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 7 INSTALLATION AND OPTIONS 10 OPERATION 10 ...