EAW - BH822e
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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BH822e DESCRIPTION The BH822e bent bass horn subwoofer represents the next step forward in Large format subbass reproduction Widely known as the SuperSub the system in designed for use in arrays of four or more which produce extremely high output sub bass response to the very bottom of the audible spectrum The 13 ft bent horn Loads 2x 12 in woofers specially designed to endure the extreme conditions the SuperSub imposes An array of four BH822e s will produce a maximum output of 146 0 dB at 28 Hz and features 3 dB and 10 dB points of 24 Hz and 21 Hz respectively APPLICATIONS The BH822e subwoofer system is engineered for use in arrays of four or more moduLes and are appropriate in any application requiring extremeLy high outp ...