Fiesta - EZT40050-P317

Below are all the different types of Fiesta. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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E TOmS SEfflii C SERWICIQ0 CteJTE NfNGUNAS HERRAMIENTAS TOLL FREE 1 m m zm KfiJE LiftfiEHENTE 1 000400 3 3 REQUIRIERON Fiesta Gas Grills LLC One Ficffla Dr Dickson TN r USA 27055 MODELJMODELO EZT40050 P317 1 START COMIENZO WHEELS AND LEG EXTENSIONS RUEDAS Y EXTENSIONS DE LA PIERNA L Place Axle Through Wheel Center Push Axle into Clip Until it Snaps in Place Acomoda el arbol a traves de centro de la rueda Empuje el arbol en el clip hasta que se encaja a presion en luga Install Leg Extensions Position LEFT LEG ASSEMBLY as Shown and Insert Leg Extensions Turn Assembly Over and Tap Leg Extensions Against a Hard Surface If Necessary Until Fully Seated Instalar las extensiones de la pierna Acomoda el ensamblaje izqui ...