Cecilware - BC301

Below are all the different types of Cecilware. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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BREW CENTER COFFEE BREWING EQUIPMEl l TWIN BC2 BC302 single BC1 BC301 BC120 BC240 BC 1E BREWERS SHOWN WITH OPTIONAL STAINLESS STEEL FUNNEL MAJ UAL Specifications Start up procedure Adjustments Parts Identification Instaiiation Operating Instructions Care Maintenance Wiring Diagram Cecilware sells value Worldwide 43 05 20th Avenue Long Island City NY 11105 TEL 718 932 1414 FAX 718 932 7860 N831A C 4 3 2002 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NO BC1 BC301 BC120 BC240 BC2 BC302 Volts 120 240 120 240 120 240 120 240 120 240 Watts 4100 4100 1800 3120 6200 6280 Amps 18 18 15 13 27 27 Wall Outlet Receptacle Power Co...