Garmin - GPS12

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GflRNIN Software Version 4 52 or above 0 1999 GARMIN Corporation GARMiN internationai inc 1200 E 151st Street Oiathe Kansas66062 USA Tei 913 397 8200 or 800 800 1020 Fax 913 397 8282 GARMIN Europe Ltd Units The Quadrangle Abbey Park Romsey Hampshire 5051 9AQ UK Tel 011 44 1794 519944 Fax 011 44 1794 519222 GARMIN Asia Corp 3rd FI No 1 Lane45 Pao Hsing Road Hsin Tien Taipei Taiwan R O C Tel 011 886 02 2917 4107 Fax 011 886 02 2917 1758 Web Site Address www garmin com Aii rights reserved No part of thismanuai may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means inciuding photocopying and reco ...