Maxtor - STM305004OTD3E5-RK

Below are all the different types of Maxtor. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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Perfect for when you need to Recover all of your PC s internal hard drive content if it crashes Have a simple and reliable automated backup solution Protect your data from unauthorised use Sync your data between two or more computers Add on storage for your desktop or laptop Mq Jor Maxtor OneTouch 4 Plus An elegantly simple backup and storage solution with Maxtor SafetyDrill software for full recovery of your PC hard drive s contents in case of a crash or virus FireWire 400 and USB 2 0 250GB 500GB 750GB Provide a safe haven for your entire working environment Don t back up and protect just your files any more System crashes and virus attacks can happen and it s difficult to get your computer back to just the way you like it To p ...