Honeywell - VISTA-20P

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Honeywell ADEMCO VISTA SERIES VISTA 20P VISTA 20PSIA VISTA 15P VISTA 15PSIA Security Systems User Guide K5309 1V6 12 08 Rev A IMPORTANT PROPER INTRUSION PROTECTION For proper intrusion coverage sensors shouid be iocated at every possible point of entry to a home or commerciai premises This wouid inciude any skyiights that may be present and the upper windows in a muiti ievei buiiding In addition we recommend that radio backup be used in a security system so that aiarm signais can stiii be sent to the Centrai Monitoring Station in the event that the teiephone iines are out of order aiarm signais are normaiiy sent over the phone iines EARLY WARNING FIRE DETECTION Eariy warning fire detection is important in a home Smoke and heat detecto ...
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Honeywell ADEMCO VISTA SERIES VISTA 20P VISTA 20PSIA VISTA 15P VISTA 15PSIA Security Systems User Guide K5309 1V6 12 08 Rev A IMPORTANT PROPER INTRUSION PROTECTION For proper intrusion coverage sensors shouid be iocated at every possible point of entry to a home or commerciai premises This wouid inciude any skyiights that may be present and the upper windows in a muiti ievei buiiding In addition we recommend that radio backup be used in a security system so that aiarm signais can stiii be sent to the Centrai Monitoring Station in the event that the teiephone iines are out of order aiarm signais are normaiiy sent over the phone iines EARLY WARNING FIRE DETECTION Eariy warning fire detection is important in a home Smoke and heat detecto ...