Honeywell - CT5OC

Below are all the different types of Honeywell. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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Honeywell Heating Air Conditioning or Heating Air Conditioning Thermostats INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The CT50A is for most gas and oil heating only systems The CT50C is tor most electric air conditioning only systems The CT51A is lor most gas oil or electric heating electric air conditioning systems The CT53A is lor millivoltage heating systems Do it yourself models CT50A C CTSIA CT53A CT51A shown YOUR NEW THERMOSTAT Your new Honeywell CT50A Heating Thermostat will replace most 15 to 30 V 2 wire heating system thermostats The CT50A is suitable only for gas or oil heating systems NOT for air conditioning heating air conditioning heat pump or electric heating systems Your new CT50C Cooling Thermostat will replace most 15 t ...