Freshtel - SPA-2000

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Freshtel Sipura SPA 2000 Automatic Configuration Instructions SPA 2000 technology inc Step 1 Plug in the ATA Connect a telephone handset network and power to the ATA and wait briefly while it discovers its IP address via DHCP For more information on connecting your ATA or to set a Static IP Address manually please consult your User Manual Step 2 Verify amp Configure your IP Address First we need to verify that your SPA 2000 will acquire an IP Address automatically if your network supports DHCP If your network uses a DHCP Server to assign IP Addresses to network devices or if you are connecting the SPA 2000 to a home router such as a Linksys or Netgear router or a modem that supports DHCP NAT please do the following 1 Pick up the phone c ...
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Freshtel Sipura SPA 2000 Automatic Configuration Instructions SPA 2000 technology inc Step 1 Plug in the ATA Connect a telephone handset network and power to the ATA and wait briefly while it discovers its IP address via DHCP For more information on connecting your ATA or to set a Static IP Address manually please consult your User Manual Step 2 Verify amp Configure your IP Address First we need to verify that your SPA 2000 will acquire an IP Address automatically if your network supports DHCP If your network uses a DHCP Server to assign IP Addresses to network devices or if you are connecting the SPA 2000 to a home router such as a Linksys or Netgear router or a modem that supports DHCP NAT please do the following 1 Pick up the phone c ...
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Freshtel Sipura SPA 2000 Automatic Configuration Instructions SPA 2000 technology inc Step 1 Plug in the ATA Connect a telephone handset network and power to the ATA and wait briefly while it discovers its IP address via DHCP For more information on connecting your ATA or to set a Static IP Address manually please consult your User Manual Step 2 Verify amp Configure your IP Address First we need to verify that your SPA 2000 will acquire an IP Address automatically if your network supports DHCP If your network uses a DHCP Server to assign IP Addresses to network devices or if you are connecting the SPA 2000 to a home router such as a Linksys or Netgear router or a modem that supports DHCP NAT please do the following 1 Pick up the phone c ...