SATO - 9001147B

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DCS amp Labeling Worldwide RFID USER GUIDE Alien Cl UHF iKAfW RFID SOLUTIONS PN 9001147B SATO America Inc 10350A Nations Ford Road Charlotte NC 28273 Main Phone 704 644 1650 Technical Support Hotline 704 644 1660 Technical Support Fax 704 644 1661 E Mail satosales satoamerica com techsupport satoamerica com www satoamerica com SCOPE This document is to serve as a guide on how to create RFID data using Label Gallery Plus TruePro software It will include menu selection and all relative command code sequences OVERVIEW The Alien Technologies RFID Reader and antenna are integrated into printer among the standard components A data cable connects the main circuit board to the RFID Reader The Reader is in turn connected t ...