Bushnell - 202206
Below are all the different types of Bushnell. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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CONTENTS English r r mimic 2 12 13 24 n UlllUla 25 36 Espanol limiter It 37 48 Italiano 49 60 Portugues 61 73 Congratulations on a laser rangefinder that is tested proven and endorsed by the worlds most successful bowhunter When the world leader in laser rangefinder technology and the world s most successful bowhunter put their heads together on a project it s all about putting heads on the wall Enter the finest archery specific specimen on the planet Extremely lightweight and compact the new Bushnell BowHunter Chuck Adams Edition laser rangefinder excels from tree stands and steep terrain thanks to Angle Range Compensation ARC Hit the FIRE button and it calculates the shoots like distance based on the an ...