Wayne-Dalton - 3790-Z

Below are all the different types of Wayne-Dalton. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND OWNER S MANUAL for TORQUEMASTER youf woddf v thZ wW techooWVVO 3SK SSiiS Suchofabutto TORQUEMASTER PLUS Models 3790 3790 Z Installation Instructions and Owner s Manual WARNING yes USE OF THIS MANUAL PHOTOELECTRIC EYES ARE NOT REQUIRED ON WAYNE DALTON SERIES 9000 AND MODEL 5120 AND 5140 DOORS ALL OTHER DOORS WHICH DO NOT HAVE PINCH RESISTANT SECTION JOINTS REQUIRE PHOTOELECTRIC EYES TO PRE VENT POSSIBLE SEVERE OR FATAL INJURY WHEN INSTALLING A NEW DOOR WITH AN IDRIVE If you just finished installing a new garage door along with an drive opener then proceed with these instructions beginning with Step 14 on page 21 If you were referred to these instructions ...