Murphy - S14E-92229N
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Information for Four Stage ENGINE Driven Compressor Appiications Attachment to Installation and Operation Manual for SELECTRONIC Annunciator Series 1400 S14E 92229N Revised 06 93 TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM WARNING Perform the wiring operation with the power source OFF and the area made NON HAZARDOUS Voltage and current requirements should be within the St 400 ratings Use hard conduit with seal to protect the wiring from damage DO NOT route sensor leads and power leads in the same conduit S1400 PS 120 VAC 12 or 24 VDC Power Supply Customer Wiring 120 VAC Supply 12 24 VDC Supply Ground or Green on 120 VAC LI L2 Lube L3 C ign L4 C F V L5 Alarm LED lights L1 power ON L2 K1 L3 K2 L4 K3 ...