Telenetics - DSP9612FP
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TfetewtKS Ff hP tt PVra RTi Cto 715 QQ mEj L_ _ _ The Telenetics FlashPoll DSP9612FP is a dual mode full featured 9600 Fast Poll and Bell 202T leased line modem with the fastest training time in the industry 23msee RTS CTS deiay Ideal for utility and industrial automation muiti dropping appiioations including SCADA systems traffic automation and oil amp gas automation projects where an unlimited number of drops is desirable The DSP9612FP is a standaione modem designed for 4 wire fuli duplex or 2 wire haif dupiex operation over a voice band ieased iine The modem design utilizes the iatest digitai signai processing DSP technology to achieve high performance In FlashPoll Mode 9600 4800 bps the DSP9612FP employs Telenetics proprietary moduiat ...