EverFocus - Paragon264

Below are all the different types of EverFocus. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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DVRs Digital Video Recorders Paragon264 DVR w 480 FPS D1 Real Time H 264 amp HDMI 1080i 55 Paragon264 Series DVR 16 Channel w 480 FPS D1 Real Time H 264 amp HDMI 1080i Display LISTED I T E E218597 HDMf H 264 111080i compression Dl Real Time FREE DDNS Dual Stream IfciJ Mobile Viewing Features 480 FPS real time recording amp playback at D1 H 264 compression format conserves disk space amp bandwidth HDMI Video Output 1080i 3 independent monitor support Main monitor Simultaneous VGA composite amp S Video output Call monitor additional composite output with multiplex and or sequenced views Simultaneous main streaming 480 FPS D1 amp second streaming Up to 480 FPS ...