Daewoo - DSL-20D1T

Below are all the different types of Daewoo. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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PAL I II PAL SECAM G OK SECAM iyLVISTTSC AV A2 NICAM ST3 E0 SCUND IBEJEXr sew VIDEO SVl DEO COM PONBiT MULTI LANGUAGE OSD Va 032302 DSL20D1T PAL GB 03 10 23 1 47 PM ii macOOl 1200DPI 90LPI SPECIAL NOTE FOR USERS IN GREAT BRITAIN Theappiianoeis SL plied witha rrcUdad three pin n ns plug fitted withaSAnpfLEe ShoUd the fuse reqUre replatremErt it rrust be replaced with a fuse rated at 5 Arrp arxi apprc ed by ASTA or BSI to BS136Z The plug contains a rerTD yable fuse that tTLEt be ratted when the fuse is replaced I n the event of the fuse cover bei tng I ost or darraged the plug rrust tTot be used until a replacerrent cover has been obtained Replacerrent fuse cevers can be poehased from yDur nearest ...