Ilford - 1174186

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HARMAN technology Limited iFOIID TECHNICAL INFORMATION XP2 BLACK AND WHITE SINGLE USE CAMERA SINGLE USE BLACK AND WHITE CAMERA WITH BUILT IN FLASH The easy to use ILFORD single use camera offers novice photographers the opportunity to try real black and white photography for themselves The camera is attractively packaged with strong monochrome images and striking graphics and is ready for counter display It is loaded with 24 1 3 27 exposures of the excellent ILFORD XP2 ISO 400 27 film The camera is available in the UK as both stand alone and process paid varieties WARNING DUE TO HIGH VOLTAGE PLEASE DO NOT OPEN CAMERA The camera has a built in flash effective up to 3m l Oft an f 9 5 30mm lens and a shutter speed of 1 100 sec It is focus ...