Cuisinart - 10ce113938
Below are all the different types of Cuisinart. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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MANUAL GRIND If you prefer after selecting your grind setting you have the option of manually controlling how much coffee the unit will grind To do so follow steps 1 4 on previous page Then press and hold the manual button until the desired amount of coffee has been ground The LCD will display M NOTE To avoid overflow when using the manual feature the grinder will automatically stop grinding when the maximum capacity has been reached GRINDING SETTINGS When selecting your grind setting remember that the higher the number the coarser the grind Use 1 6 for Espresso 7 l2 for Auto Drip and 13 18 for French Press CLEANING MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 1 Be sure plug has been removed from outlet 2 Beans can be removed from the hopper by lifting off the lid ...