Quantum - ST00531
Below are all the different types of Quantum. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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Quantum StorNext StorNext 3 5 File System and Storage Manager Supported Operating Systems and Platforms Operating System Kernel or Release Platform MDC Server File System SAN Client Distributed LAN Server File System LAN Client Storage Manager Windows 2003 Server SP2 x86 32 bit y x86 64 bit y Windows XP SP2 SP3 x86 32 bit y x86 64 bit y y Windows Vista SP1 x86 32 bit y y x86 64 bit y y Windows 2008 Server x86 32 bit y y x86 64 bit y y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 2 6 9 67 EL Update 6 2 6 9 78 EL Update 7 x86 64 bit y y Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 all versions excluding virtualization 2 6 18 53 EL Update 1 2 6 18 92 E ...