Kodak - 2467
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Computer Output Microfilm Data Sheet KODAK COM DR Microfilm 2467 ESTAR Base Description Kodak COM DR Microfilm 2467 Estar Base is a slow speed film with a direct reversing emulsion that is blue green sensitive It has high spectral sensitivity in the 430 to 550 nm range Product Applications Kodak COM DR Microfilm 2467 is designed for use in blue phosphorous CRT cathode ray tube type computer output microfilmers COMs These devices photograph data displayed electronically rather than from printed documents COM DR Microfilm is drop in compatible with roll film COM equipment such as Bell amp Howell DatagraphlX 4500 XR 3M Beta COM and graphic COMs such as the III Cal Comp COM DR Microfilm requires only conventional processing and does no ...Click here to download the manual
Computer Output Microfilm Data Sheet KODAK COM DR Microfilm 2467 ESTAR Base Description Kodak COM DR Microfilm 2467 Estar Base is a slow speed film with a direct reversing emulsion that is blue green sensitive It has high spectral sensitivity in the 430 to 550 nm range Product Applications Kodak COM DR Microfilm 2467 is designed for use in blue phosphorous CRT cathode ray tube type computer output microfilmers COMs These devices photograph data displayed electronically rather than from printed documents COM DR Microfilm is drop in compatible with roll film COM equipment such as Bell amp Howell DatagraphlX 4500 XR 3M Beta COM and graphic COMs such as the III Cal Comp COM DR Microfilm requires only conventional processing and does no ...Click here to download the manual
Computer Output Microfilm Data Sheet KODAK COM DR Microfilm 2467 ESTAR Base Description Kodak COM DR Microfilm 2467 Estar Base is a slow speed film with a direct reversing emulsion that is blue green sensitive It has high spectral sensitivity in the 430 to 550 nm range Product Applications Kodak COM DR Microfilm 2467 is designed for use in blue phosphorous CRT cathode ray tube type computer output microfilmers COMs These devices photograph data displayed electronically rather than from printed documents COM DR Microfilm is drop in compatible with roll film COM equipment such as Bell amp Howell DatagraphlX 4500 XR 3M Beta COM and graphic COMs such as the III Cal Comp COM DR Microfilm requires only conventional processing and does no ...