Electrolux - 726974
Below are all the different types of Electrolux. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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0 Electrolux air o chill Blast Chiller Freezer 61 66 lbs ITEM MODEL PROJECT NAME _ SIS _ AIA _ I I air o chill Blast Chiller Freezer 61 66 lbs 726973 AOFP061CU4 Blast Chiller Freezer 61 66 lbs 240 V 3p 60Hz 12A 726974 AOFP061CTU4 Blast Chiller Freezer 61 66 lbs 240 V 3p 60Hz 12A Tower configuration Short Form Specification Item No _ Unit to be Electrolux air o chill Blast Chiller Freezer 61 Chilling load capacity to be 66 lbs 30 kg from 160 F to 39 F in 90 freezing load capacity to be 55 lbs 25 kg from 160 F to 0 F in max 240 on up to 6 Steam table pans Unit shall feature Micro processor controlled Soft chilling Hard chilling and Blastfreezing cycles At the end of each Blast chill ...