Electrolux - ZB412C-2
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cff 0 Electrolux Svenska Nederlands 14 20 6 12 Tack for att du har valt dammsugaren Electrolux Rapido Rapido ar en handdammsugare som ar avsedd att anvandas for latt och torrt skrap Enheten far strom frSn bilens elsystem och ansluts via bilens stromkontakt Se till att alltid anvanda ori ginaltillbehor fran Electrolux for basta resultat De ar speciellt utformade for din dammsugare English 6 12 Thank you for choosing an Electrolux Rapido vacuum cleaner Rapido is a handheld vacuum cleaner intended for use of light dry household debris The appliance is powered from a car electri cal system and connected by the car power plug In order to ensure the best results always use original Electrolux accessories They have been designed especial ...