Avanti - WC681BG
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WINE CHILLER VINERA INSTRUCTION MANUAL MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES Model Numbeis No de Modelos WC681BG WCR682SS 11 000000 s V f arararar ha arararart ara ara arara arar J i a ara arart a arara a f a arara a ararararart fa fa Vi Vf fo gt tol a f o l o of fa BBSS 0 BKS Picture May Vary BEFORE USE PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY RULES AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS La seccion en espanol empieza en la pagina 20 Avanti Products has a policy of continuous improvement on its products and reserves the right to change materials and specifications without notice Avanti Products A Division of The Mackle Co Inc P O Box 520604 Miami Florida 33152 www avantiproducts com ...