Kyocera - 5755km
Below are all the different types of Kyocera. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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5735km amp 5755km IPDS SCS Printer Gateway The 1 0 5735km and 5755km Printer Gateways are high speed Ethernet in Ethernet out print servers that convert native IBM host print jobs to PCL 5e allowing the jobs to be printed on Kyocera printers and multifunc tional products MFP s The 5735km supports a single Kyocera printer and is designed for high volume high speed printing applications The 5755km will support up to three Kyocera printers and MFP s in light to moderate host printing applications Both products deliver IBM AFP IPDS and SCS printing via Ethernet and provide the control and printer feedback found in an IBM printing environment In addition to IBM host connectivity the 5735km and 5755km support of all Kyocera s finishing features HIG ...