Audio-Technica - AT898
Below are all the different types of Audio-Technica. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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BROADCAST amp PRODUCTION AT898 SUBMINIATURE CARDIOID CONDENSER MICROPHONE MICROPHONES Maximum intelligibility and clean accurate reproduction for lecturers stage and television talent and worship leaders Low profile design a mere 5 mm in diameter is ideal for applications requiring minimum visibility includes an extensive array of accessories Switchable low frequency roll off reduces sensitivity to popping in close vocal use Operates on battery or phantom power The AT898 is designed to be worn as a lavalier or hidden in loose clothing For use as a lavalier attach the microphone about six inches below the chin Anticipate movements that may cause the microphone to rub against or be covered by clothing and position the microph ...Click here to download the manual
BROADCAST amp PRODUCTION AT898 SUBMINIATURE CARDIOID CONDENSER MICROPHONE MICROPHONES Maximum intelligibility and clean accurate reproduction for lecturers stage and television talent and worship leaders Low profile design a mere 5 mm in diameter is ideal for applications requiring minimum visibility includes an extensive array of accessories Switchable low frequency roll off reduces sensitivity to popping in close vocal use Operates on battery or phantom power The AT898 is designed to be worn as a lavalier or hidden in loose clothing For use as a lavalier attach the microphone about six inches below the chin Anticipate movements that may cause the microphone to rub against or be covered by clothing and position the microph ...