Audio-Technica - ATW-3141C

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3000 Series Wireless Systems ATW 3110C ATW 3110D ATW 3141C ATW 3141D Suggested Frequencies for Multi channel Operation The following frequencies are suggested as a starting point for selection in multi channel systems Because RF sources and their interactions are unique to a particular installation some experimentation with system set up typically will be required Audio Technica will be pleased to provide more specific frequency analysis for the design of large systems or in case of operating difficulties Band D 555 500 68 0 375 MHz Frequency MHz TV Channel Useable with Analog TV 655 750 44 No 658 750 45 Yes 659 000 45 Yes 664 875 46 Yes 667 500 46 Yes 670 250 47 Yes 671 375 47 Yes 67 ...