Telex - P170

Below are all the different types of Telex. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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Telex User s Manual MagnaByte P170 P170v Desktop LCD Projector Warranty Telex warrants that the MagnaByte P170 P170v will provide a 99 995 usable active pixel ratio This means that out of the total 921 600 pixels the MagnaByte P170 P170v may contain a maximum of 50 inacfive pixels Inacfive pixels may appear illuminafed on fhe display however fhey will nof affecf picfure qualify or fhe life expecfancy of fhe unif If you have any quesfions on this matter please feel free fo confacf Telex Communications Inc FCC Statement This equipmenf generafes uses and can radiafe radio frequency energy thaf may cause interference fo radio communications if nof insfalled and used in accordance with this manual The equipment has been tested and found ...
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Telex User s Manual MagnaByte P170 P170v Desktop LCD Projector Warranty Telex warrants that the MagnaByte P170 P170v will provide a 99 995 usable active pixel ratio This means that out of the total 921 600 pixels the MagnaByte P170 P170v may contain a maximum of 50 inacfive pixels Inacfive pixels may appear illuminafed on fhe display however fhey will nof affecf picfure qualify or fhe life expecfancy of fhe unif If you have any quesfions on this matter please feel free fo confacf Telex Communications Inc FCC Statement This equipmenf generafes uses and can radiafe radio frequency energy thaf may cause interference fo radio communications if nof insfalled and used in accordance with this manual The equipment has been tested and found ...