Omega - OS685
Below are all the different types of Omega. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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SCANA 1 n j _ E c H0LD6 3 re d A U3 f 1 MAXMIN AVG F DISPLAY PANTALLA A Main temperature reading A Lectura principal de B Scan indicator temperatura C Hold indicator B Indicador SCAN D Celcius or Fahrenheit medicion indicator C Indicador HOLD espera E Low battery indicator D Indicador de grados F Max Min Average Celsios o Fahrenheit temperature E Indicador de pila baja F Temperatura AFFICHAGE Max Min Med A Indication de temperature principale DISPLAY B Indicateur Scan A Lettura temperatura C Indicateur Hold principale D Indicateur Celsius ou B Indicatore scan Fahrenheit C Indicatore hold E Indicateur de charge de D Indicatore Celsius o la pile Fahre ...